Monday, November 23, 2009

The Proof!

Ah ha! I have proof!

I have proof that I baked.

There are photos documenting the very process that I so diligently type out for you time and time again.

I have proof that I am, in fact, not making up my baking adventures (as I'm sure some of you may have expected)!

What I do not have proof of is that I didn't eat all 48 cupcakes sitting in my kitchen, by myself, inducing a sugar coma never before seen by those outside of Candy Land or Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.

I didn't do that. I promise. But since there's no proof to back up my story, you'll have to trust me on this one.

(Side note: Why are those not real places? I would totally book my next vacation to either of those yum-tastic destinations!) Candy LAND? It simply cannot be a bad place!

Let's jump right in, shall we?

To refresh your memory, here's what was on the menu: RazCakes, SaltedNutCakes, PumpkinSpiceCakes, and SmoreCakes.

I started with the pumpkin spice cupcakes and immediately regretted becoming a baker. The smell of pumpkin baking in my oven sends my cravings and sugar hormones into overdrive. I was on a pumpkin-induced sugar craze! Ok, it wasn't that bad, but they did make my house smell like Christmas and that made me happy!

And bonus, they were really pretty.

Do you like the souffle cups I baked them in? They're my new obsession! They make cupcakes a spoon dessert...and I love that! Dig in and enjoy!

Truthfully, they didn't even need frosting, but because I like excess, I not only frosted, but I filled them with a cinnamon cream cheese frosting. Because I could. And that's how I roll.

Next I took on the PB cuppies for the SaltedNutCakes.

Word of caution: If you've already been sent into a hormone-crazed-sugar-craving-tailspin by the first batch of cupcakey goodness baked to perfection in your little ghetto kitchen...maybe, just maybe don't bake these cuties next.

They don't look like much. But isn't it always the quite ones that kill?
I could easily have shoved each and every one of the dozen in my mouth and baked up another batch for the quilting ladies...and not felt bad about it.

Ok, I would have had a little bit of guilt. But I would have washed that away with some peanut butter cream frosting and called it a day.

Don't judge me. You weren't there. You didn't smell what I was baking.

And anyways, I didn't eat even one. So there! I did however make these next:
Beautifully unadorned, delicately fluffy, richly decadent chocolate fudge cupcake. Hello my love.

And if that wasn't enough. I filled them with fresh, red raspberry filling.

Because I could.
I like to use the coning method for filling cupcakes. It ensures there's lots of sinful filling in each cupcake. Mmmm..sinful. :)

Last bald cucpake, I promise!
SmoreCakes...before the toasted marshmallow frosting.

Here they are, bald and glorious. Awaiting their cuppy destiny in Costco bulk foil pans. It's not glamorous...yet. Wait for it.

And see that bottle behind them. That's my assistant. Her name is Riesling and she's very helpful in the kitchen! :)

Come on, let's get going. I've got some sinning to do!
Like I said, you're going to need a spoon.

I like to call these ladies, SmoreCakes.

They have a graham cracker crust, a layer of chocolate on top of that, and a whipped chocolate ganache filling. None of which you can see, but all of which make this a truly delightful experience!

It's true. I wouldn't lie to you about cupcakes.

Moving on.

I packed up all my passion, loaded it into laundry baskets (because that's what you do), and high tailed it over to the catering destination.

I displayed, I torched, I fiddled. And finally...

the finished product.

A simple holiday display for some very sweet ladies who made my day with their smiles and yum noises! Thanks ladies!!


Kate said...

Just checking the comments. Yep, they work!

Unknown said...

Yummmmm! I can't even express how amazing those cupcakes tasted. And they were beautiful as well. I'm hoping to get in on some of the 52 experiments that you are conducting...

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